Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hello everybody! I am feeling very well 2day that's why I think that 2day is gonna suck!
Yesterday was the last first day of school in this school which is kind of freacky! Anyway our new Romana teacher is kinda bithcy and I don't like her. I don't know maybe it's because when she gave us that lesson plan I was spooked cause I hate Romana!
Well this morning I got my ID picture thing done. And I can "honestly" say that I look "smashing". I could smash someones face with that thing.
Oh, my Mom told me about this guy at the police where make IDs at 5AM. He was from Italy and his Passport expired and he had 2 come back here 2 Romania. So he gets a ticket for 200 Euro and his son gets one for 400 Euro, they get on the plane and arrive in Timisoara where the are told that they have experienced a technical difficulty and couldn't go to Constanta. They were really pissed of cause they paied to go to Constanta. So they go take a "Fast"(Rapid) 2 Constana where they were supposed 2 arrive at 11AM but they arrived 2 days later. And what did this guy discover then? He discovered that he had lost his ID and know has 2 make a new one which takes about 2 weeks. Hell of an experience.

Right now I'd like 2 talk about me being a litle obsesive. And right now I'm a little obsesed about Miruna not liking wow and me wanting 2 explane it 2 her but I will not do it because she wouldn't like it.
Life goes on! Today is our first Physics class of this school year and I'm curios if our teacher will make fun of my hair again!

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